Post-employment Restrictive Covenants, The Advocates’ Quarterly (Vo. 54, Issue 2, 2023), p 117 ( December 2023)

Post-employment Restrictive Covenants, The Advocates’ Quarterly (Vo. 54, Issue 2, 2023), p 117 ( December 2023)

Author: Nikolay Y. Chsherbinin

Source: The Advocates’ Quarterly (Canada’s preeminent legal publication and a widely recognized source of civil litigation information and guidance).

Synopsis: This 39-page paper is a comprehensive resource for experienced and novice counsel. It provides an overview of the legal principles that govern restrictive covenants in employment agreements. It reviews the applicable legislations and employment law cases, with an emphasis on appellate decisions, which scrutinized restrictive covenants across Canada. While the paper’s focus is on the Ontario appellate jurisprudence, it offers a comparison with the appellate jurisprudence from other provinces.

Publisher: Thomson Reuters Canada Limited

Copyright: The article is subject to Thomson Reuters Canada Limited’s copyright and cannot be reproduced on our website, at this time.

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