16 Sep Parsing Fiduciary Obligations in Canada, The Advocates’ Quarterly (Vol 55, p 200, December 2024)
Author: Nikolay Y. Chsherbinin
Synopsis: This comprehensive, 42-page, paper provides an overview of the legal principles that govern fiduciary relationships in Canada. It starts with Aristotle’s concept of “epieikeia,” weaves through centuries, capitalizes on Kendrick Lamar’s lyrics from his widely popular song, aptly named “Loyalty,” for which he won a Grammy in 2018 and ends with “Chandler Bing’s” untimely death. I know it is exhausting just to read these….try writing the paper :0) The paper aims to explain why the law intervenes to bestow a fiduciary status in some and not other relationships. In the process, it discusses the applicable law, with an emphasis on appellate decisions, which scrutinized the fiduciary concept.
Publisher: Thomson Reuters Canada Limited.
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